Exploring KG

The image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd stands watch over the flock of believers at Kallam Grove Church; it’s a much beloved fixture above our baptistry.

One of the of the major messages of our Christian faith is that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, that we are the sheep of his pasture, and that however foolish we might have been, however frightened we are, and however long it has been since we experienced God’s love; we can see our self as the lamb and Jesus as our Shepherd. ( John 10:14-18)

As our shepherd, we know He will provide what we need. (Psalm 23:1-6)


Pastor’s Welcome

Pastor Nathanael Putnam extends a warm greeting and welcome to our web visitors.

A Brief History of Kallam Grove

A brief history of Kallam Grove Church is presented along with an affirmation of our bright future.

Kallam Grove Staff and Leaders

Meet our pastor, staff and other leaders